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#529 2009-11-14 23:44:06
Re: gbp_permanent_links
I have clean search result urls working, but how do you get <txp:search_input />
to send you to them instead of the messy ones?
#530 2009-11-15 08:34:12
- candyman
- Member
- From: Italy
- Registered: 2006-08-08
- Posts: 684
Re: gbp_permanent_links
graeme wrote:
Instead of modifying the admin library can I suggest you define
var $permissions = etc...
in thePermanentLinks
classes within the gbp_pl source. The admin library is used for other plugins (eg. MLP) so any changes made to it would also effect them too.
True. It would be possible to upgrade the plugin with the new restricted permissions? I think that is better that only the admin can define the Links by default.
#531 2009-11-18 12:33:55
Re: gbp_permanent_links
mericson wrote:
For some reason when gbp_permanent_links is enabled bad URLs are being generated for txp:link_to_next and txp:link_to_prev the generated URLs look something like the following…
graeme wrote:
That’ll change if you’re in live mode.
Same thing happens here. Changing to “Live” mode didn’t seems to make any difference at all. Also tried wrapping the tags (link_to_prev) with gbp_disable_permlinks, with no luck.
BTW, the output is just one link, always to the same article.
#532 2009-11-19 14:47:42
Re: gbp_permanent_links
A follow up about my previous post: it also affects (in the same way) the output of smd_horizon tags (a replacement of link_to_prev and link_to_next).
#533 2010-02-01 00:40:55
Re: gbp_permanent_links
Is there a way to implement the URL structure /section/category/sub-category/
If one uses category1 and category2 all category listings have their name twice in the url, rather than being nested in parent-child fashion.
Last edited by dl33 (2010-02-01 00:46:46)
#534 2010-02-25 22:59:10
Re: gbp_permanent_links
I tried enabling redirect for certain rules and discovered the redirect isn’t as seamless as I would have hoped. Other redirects I have (in .htaccess) look seamless in the browser. The redirects by gbp_permanent_links seems to load the page twice and also renders a link at the top of the page. This flashes and looks invasive. I want to make sure I redirect to common links rather than have a variety of links on the site.
Is this to be expected because the redirect is in HTTP and not Apache? Is there any way to not display the link?
#535 2010-04-16 21:48:33
Re: gbp_permanent_links
I’m trying to get this to work with the vdh_flickr plugin. I don’t actually need clean URLs for the photo pages but gpb_permanent_links seems to interfere with the flickr-set URLs.
Is there a way I can tell gpb_permanent_links to leave one section alone?
Thanks for your help.
#536 2010-04-18 07:23:48
Re: gbp_permanent_links
Some more details, perhaps.
When I switch off gbp_permanent_links, the vdh_flickr plugin generates these types of URLs
(flickr photo set)http://www.domain.de/fotos/?set=72157623745343871&img=4526255150
(individual photo)
When I switch ON gbp_permanent_links all I get is http://www.domain.de/fotos
I’d like to tell gbp_permanent_links to simply leave the section /fotos/ alone. Of course, if there’s a simple way of making the above URLs clean with gbp_permanent_links that would be even better.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
#537 2010-04-18 12:49:45
- els
- Moderator
- From: The Netherlands
- Registered: 2004-06-06
- Posts: 7,458
Re: gbp_permanent_links
Does it work if you create a seperate permanent link rule for each section, except for ‘fotos’? I know it’s not very efficient, but it’s the only thing I can think of right now…
#538 2010-04-18 13:04:11
Re: gbp_permanent_links
Thanks for the suggestion. I don’t have the time at the moment to try it out (this is for my private, hobby website). Maybe someone else (perhaps grame himself?) has other ideas?
#539 2010-06-03 09:46:52
- beechy
- Member
- Registered: 2006-03-02
- Posts: 92
Re: gbp_permanent_links
Hi I am using gbp_permanent_links (awsome plugin by the way).
On my blog page i use
<txp:older showalways=“1”>Older</txp:older>
<txp:newer showalways=“1”>Newer</txp:newer>
To paginate articles and this work fine, both with clean_page_archive_links on and off in the plugin preferences.
However on my search page it doesn’t work. I have turned off clean_page_archive_links and this doesn’t help either. I dont have any gbp_permanent_links setup for my search page.
When I click newer or older on the search page it seems to remove the query (?q=searchquery) and replace with (?pg=2) is this a preferences issue or a problem with the plugin.
I have looked through this thread but cant seem to find an answer. Any help would be appreciated.
#540 2010-09-10 06:28:36
- radneck
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2005-07-03
- Posts: 109
Re: gbp_permanent_links
I’ve stumbled on an issue that I haven’t seen before, which is strange because I’ve used this great plugin quite freqently.
I’m using the pretty standard /section/category/title rule for my permanent links, but enabled for only 1 section (we’ll call it section3).
Works great, except when I’m viewing a category or article under section3, the URLs in the top level navigation of my site (generated using section_list) change from:
current_category being the category currently being viewed, or the category of the article currently being viewed.
Anyone know how to stop this?
I can disable join_pretext_to_pagelinks but that stuffs up the second level navigation in section3, i.e. it becomes:
instead of (the correct):
Any tips would be great. I don’t particularly want to hard code it in the plugin.
Also, I hope this wasn’t too confusing.
Last edited by radneck (2015-11-04 07:48:45)