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wlk_rsscloud: An RSSCloud Plugin
This is a plugin that enables the use of RSSCloud. Portions of this plugin are based on the plugin initially implemented by Joseph Scott. You should really use PubSubHubBub and not RSSCloud, but, since Wordpress had this thing running, I figured Textpattern should have the ability too.
Re: wlk_rsscloud: An RSSCloud Plugin
Is this a request, or did you code a plugin?
Re: wlk_rsscloud: An RSSCloud Plugin
whooop. my bad, I was just starting a thread to paste into the forum field here: http://textpattern.org/plugins/1121/wlk_rsscloud
…and completely forgot to add the link.
Last edited by Walker (2009-09-13 11:12:31)
Re: wlk_rsscloud: An RSSCloud Plugin
Trying to figure out exactly what the cloud is….?
Re: wlk_rsscloud: An RSSCloud Plugin
RSSCloud is a portion of the RSS Specification that defines ho “push” notifications of new posts/content can be sent to member subscribers.
It does not offer, though, a solution to some of the other issues that arise with the push notification model. More here
Re: wlk_rsscloud: An RSSCloud Plugin
Also, put this up: http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?pid=214994
Last edited by Walker (2009-09-13 14:45:36)
Pages: 1