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#25 2008-01-27 18:15:29

From: Tarpon Springs, FL USA
Registered: 2005-02-06
Posts: 103

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

I updated a local version of the Frontstretch from 4.04 to 4.06. The only warnng message that I got after the update was this:

A problem occured while loading the plugin: ign_password_protect -> User_Warning: Duplicate entry ’1-ign_user_db’ for key 1
insert into maintxp_prefs set prefs_id=1, name=‘ign_user_db’, val=‘txp_users’, html=‘text_input’ on line 81

A problem occured while loading the plugin: ign_password_protect -> User_Warning: Duplicate entry ’1-ign_use_custom’ for key 1
insert into maintxp_prefs set prefs_id=1, name=‘ign_use_custom’, val=‘0’, html=‘yesnoradio’ on line 81

When I click on “show spam” in the comments section, I get this error at the bottom of the page: Warning: opendir(C:\wamp\www\frontstretch/jpcache/cache) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php(561) : eval()’d code on line 90

[Ruud: all those warnings are plugin related]

All the apostrophes switched to ’

[Ruud: it’s unlikely that this was caused by the upgrade. Can you open a separate topic for this and post your diagnostics. Probably a mismatch between table content and the specified charset in config.php]

I click on the extensions tab and get a page that says “restricted area” That goes away once I turn off rss_admin_db_manager. (As expected. I’ll do an edit later.)

Also, I have lost the tabs for asy_jpcache

Plugins installed:
ajw_admin_workflow: Works as expected
asy_jpcache: No tab on the extensions.
chh_article_custom: Works as expected
chh_article_lib: Works as expected.
hak_tinymce: Clashes with upm_savenew apparently.
ign_password_protect: See issue above. I’m not using that plugin any longer, so I don’t know if it matters.
jcb_columnize: Works as expected
rss_admin_db_manager v4.3: Known issue
rss_admin_show_adv_opts: Works as expected
rss_article_edit: Works as expected
rss_pluginstaller: Works as expected
upm_pending_notify: I was unable to test this as I am using a local version with no email server setup.

upm_savenew v0.4: Notifies that it has posted the new article but doesn’t. errors:
Warning: opendir(C:\wamp\www\frontstretch/jpcache/cache) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php(561) : eval()’d code on line 90
Notice: Undefined variable: f in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php on line 144
Notice: Undefined variable: f in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php on line 147
global id:
Notice: Undefined variable: f in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php on line 147
Notice: Undefined variable: f in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php on line 153

I turned off every plugin but this and it worked fine. I turned on the cache plugin and it worked fine but gave the opendir error.

It seems to be conflicting with the hak_tinymce plugin. I turned on all plugins but that and no errors, turn on hak_tinymce but do not turn on the editor for the article I’m saving new and I get this:

Notice: Undefined variable: f in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php on line 144
Notice: Undefined variable: f in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php on line 147
global id:
Notice: Undefined variable: f in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php on line 147
Notice: Undefined variable: f in C:\wamp\www\frontstretch\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php on line 153

zem_article_info: Works as expected.

[Ruud: thanks very much for all the info on plugins that do/don’t cause problems!]


#26 2008-01-27 18:25:52

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

Bloke wrote:

Since the URLs for the ‘?’ help links are ‘static’ across versions, do you just change them the day 4.0.6 goes live? (e.g. for renaming the “hide e-mail address” & “syndicate excerpt” options?)

The preference names stay the same, it’s just the description that changes. When we change this, it just requires you to update your language strings (preferences -> languages).

Some of the help links (new options?) on the Advanced Prefs go to the “sorry” page. Affected items I noticed are 1) file directory path, 2) plugin cache directory path, 3) widowed titles, 4) mod_deflate compensation, 5) all custom fields.

All added, except custom fields… If someone can write a nice description that I can copy/paste for all custom_field help links, that would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps use some of the info on the <txp:custom_field> textbook page?

Like Els, I’m not a fan of “negative logic” options like “Disallow user images” (‘yes’ by default) which should probably be “Allow user images” (‘no’ by default).

I’ve changed it to “Strip user images”.


#27 2008-01-27 18:41:49

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

jm wrote:

“Permalink title-like-this (default is TitleLikeThis)?” is incorrect since the default is always title-like-this (an underscore option would be great addition too :)

Changed to “Permalink title-like-this (instead of TitleLikeThis)?”

“Allow raw php?” should be “Allow raw PHP?”

Done. Not be me, but done nonetheless.

Could “Automatically append comments to articles?” be set to No by default? Comments are often seen as black magic by beginners – it’d be simpler if the comments were called from the article.

That requires changes to standard forms/pages as well. A non-trivial change. Too late for this release. Technically it’s not a bug or regression.

I’ll wait for feedback from the other devs before commenting on the other things you suggested.


#28 2008-01-27 18:44:03

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,392
Website GitHub

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

ruud wrote:

All [help strings] added, except custom fields…

Cool, thanks. Since I raised it, I’ll do custom_fields and send some text to you robbed off the custom_field description on TextBook ;-)

“Remove user images” or “strip images”?

Yeah, either of those will suffice. Much better than “disallow”!

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#29 2008-01-27 19:12:30

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-09-19
Posts: 142

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

Critical: The admin pages still identify themselves as version 4.05 in the footer. ;)

Unless I accidentally installed 4.05 instead?


#30 2008-01-27 19:17:47

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,392
Website GitHub

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

aesop1 wrote:

Critical: The admin pages still identify themselves as version 4.05 in the footer. ;)

The revision number hasn’t been increased yet. See 1st post :-)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#31 2008-01-27 19:38:42

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-09-19
Posts: 142

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

Ah, should have known it was me! Darn attention deficit disorder!


#32 2008-01-27 21:39:15

From: Lancashire
Registered: 2004-04-19
Posts: 1,470

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

The new article_listing form has:
<sp class=“published”>

BB6 Band My band
Gud One My blog


#33 2008-01-27 21:49:59

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,328
Website Mastodon

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

More precisely:

In the form named article, there should be a snippet with <p class="published"><txp:posted /></p>. Is this not the case for your site?


#34 2008-01-27 21:57:01

From: Lancashire
Registered: 2004-04-19
Posts: 1,470

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

I don’t have a form called article, just article_listing

<txp:if_first_article><ul class=“directory”></txp:if_first_article>

<li><span class=“entry-title”><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink></span> · <sp class=“published”><txp:posted format=”%Y-%m-%d” /></span></li>


BB6 Band My band
Gud One My blog


#35 2008-01-27 22:06:38

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,328
Website Mastodon

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

Thanks, I see.


#36 2008-01-27 22:52:26

From: Lancashire
Registered: 2004-04-19
Posts: 1,470

Re: Feedback to: Help us test the release candidate for the upcoming 4.0.6

In the article_listing form the posted format=”%Y-%m-%d”

This can be confusing if the date is say: 2008-05-06
In UK we use 06-05-2008 for the same date, so we can never tell if 05-06 is the 5th of June or 6th of May.

“%Y-%M-%d” would be obvious to everyone, I think.

Last edited by zero (2008-01-27 23:38:36)

BB6 Band My band
Gud One My blog


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