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#145 2007-03-18 22:38:50

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

I don’t know if this is an Issue yet, but the Author URL’s don’t have the lang URL part appended, eg.:
I have something like this:
doesn’t work.

Better would be:

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2007-03-18 22:40:03)

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#146 2007-03-19 09:51:08

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,285
Website GitHub

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Thanks for your input marios. If it helps any, here’s my diagnostics for info:

Textpattern version: 4.0.4 (r1973)
Temporary directory path: /home/tmp
Site URL: www.nemotv.com/venturiweb
PHP version: 4.4.4
Server Local Time: 2007-03-19 09:16:42
MySQL: 4.0.27-standard
Locale: en_GB.UTF-8
Server: Apache/1.3.36 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.4.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.27 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
Apache version: Apache/1.3.36 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.4.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.27 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
PHP Server API: apache
RFC 2616 headers:
Server OS: Linux 2.4.21-40.ELsmp
Active plugins: chh_article_lib-1.04, chh_article_custom-1.15, chh_if_data-0.10, chh_related_articles-0.41, wet_if_page-0.1, zem_contact_reborn-, mem_self_register-0.8.3, smd_lib-0.2, zem_article_info-0.2, zem_article_image-0.1, rss_admin_db_manager-4.3, pap_xpoll-0.2m, rss_admin_show_adv_opts-0.3, upm_savenew-0.4, l10n-0.6.582m, ied_plugin_composer-0.4, sed_plugin_library-0.3, sed_copyright-1.3, rss_auto_excerpt-0.4, gbp_admin_library-0.4.581, zem_contact_lang-mlp-4.0.3-MLP, smd_slimbox-0.22, smd_random_banner-0.21, ign_password_protect-0.5, asy_wondertag-0.5

Pre-flight check:
Some Textpattern files have been modified: /lib/txplib_db.php, /publish/comment.php

.htaccess file contents:
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
#Options +FollowSymLinks
#RewriteBase /relative/web/path/

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^(.+) – [PT,L]

RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php </IfModule>

#php_value register_globals 0


Unfortunately I can not reproduce the errors, that Bloke describes

It is very strange why it only affects Firefox. And not just Firefox on this machine at work, but the same at home (I was running different versions, now they’re both running 2.0.2).

I was looking at some Firefox support/add-on forums and found that people had problems with upgrading to v2 from v1.5 so I uninstalled it, deleted my Program Files/Firefox directory, deleted my profile and re-installed from scratch. It’s fixed one problem I had with Firebug (CSS not showing up) but the TXP interface still exhibits the same problem :-(

I wonder if it’s to do with me running the site as a sub-directory instead of directly off a domain? I’d love to find an error log somewhere or some debug output that might tell me what it’s trying to do when it hangs as I switch between TXP tags like ‘admin’ to ‘presentation’.

BTW, the ign_password_protect, mem_self_register and asy_wondertag plugins are recent additions as I’m messing with TXPhorum, so I don’t think it has anything to do with them.

I’m currently running the TXP interface under Opera 9 with no problems, so it’s not a show-stopper; it’s just odd why it’s happening only in Firefox when the MLP plugin is activated.

Last edited by Bloke (2007-03-19 09:52:53)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#147 2007-03-20 16:55:03

Registered: 2006-03-05
Posts: 122

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

net-carver wrote:

FireFusion wrote:

Any idea how we should try to fix this yet?

Sorry, none at the moment. On the face of it that looks like a php error and I haven’t seen the likes of it before.

I had the same problem as FireFusion (MLP turns write tab into a null page), and I managed to solve it by switching from PHP 5.2.1 to 4.4.2 (on a Debian server). Perhaps that helps in pinning down the issue.

Thanks for this fabulous plugin!


#148 2007-03-20 20:28:36

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Bloke, thanks for your valuable testing data as well ( Allso your recent plugins are really a marvellous work, but I couldn’t try them out yet. You are really a Giant, as rloaderro once iterated )

However, I wanted to figure out what’s up with this, so I raised the bar a bit for MLP, and opted for a secend side install in a subdirectory, same specs as above, but instead of the THREE languages, I preinstalled 10 langauages (Also threw a little russian into the mix) and the same plugins as above with ZCR latest.

I prefer to keep it like that, before I augment the functionality ( no hacks no other plugins, just the basic functionality )

Unfortunately once again I can’t reproduce this and my Firefox is upgraded as well from version 1.5 AFAIK.

The setup procudere runs down the items with success again as above, and the basic URL behavior seems to work fine from the front end aexcept, that the lang URL part is missing on the permlink URL in this case.

So obviously we need a bunch of more testing data.

Is there anyone with a simular Testing Environment, that can repruduce, what Bloke’s describes above ?

We also obviously need more testing input for windows platforms

ultramega wrote

If I de-activate MLP, article is not visible anymore on front-end. If I re-activate, here we are again! If I change it’s status to draft, it disappears, as expected.

Any solutions, or have others been seeing this kind of behaviouring?

@ultramega, when you delete the article, did you do that from the content/renditions tab or the MLP/article table ?
( In my current undertanding, the correct way to do this being a Power User, that is allowed through the MLP prefs, is to use the latter option, clicking on the delete Icon link( which works fine on my installs ) However, this means obviously maybe an implementation error, that should be addressed at some point. )
In order to have the priviledges as a Power User to change/ remove an articel frome the renditions tab, there is a setting in the MLP prefs, that is set to off by default, it’s in the MLP docs as well :))

One possible usefull addition to the UI in the renditions tab, would be to add an extra column that specifically indicates the language, of a rendition may be with some small flags or something.
( That would prevents Power Users from mistakenly remove the wrong lang rendition for a specific article )

Also what is your testing environment ?

( You can also just send it to Steve, if you you prefer that )

I found an Issue though, that is among the posssible User scenarios: ( Here it is the often overlooked backbutton option )

To reproduce: Delete a ( in this case life ) article from the articles table in the MLP tab, then change your mind, press your Browsers Back Button and finally press the clone link, this could be maybe suppressed somehow. ( Throughs a bunch of debugging output and Errors )

I’m also getting a double comment form, however didn’t look into that yet. ( In two languages, on the same page )
Could be Template Usage Issue from my side.

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2007-03-20 21:20:54)

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#149 2007-03-20 21:19:57

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,285
Website GitHub

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

marios wrote:

I preinstalled 10 langauages … Unfortunately once again I can’t reproduce this and my Firefox is upgraded as well from version 1.5 AFAIK.

Thanks for doing that marios. It’s fun with over 10 languages installed isn’t it! That MLP>Articles matrix looks really cool with aaaall those boxes. Wouldn’t want to try many more without upgrading my monitor to widescreen, though :-)

Anyhow, here’s where this whole saga gets weird. I’ve been updating the site from Opera today and just for the helluvit I disabled a whole load of plugins then re-enabled them.

And I now cannot reproduce the problem in Firefox :-) It’s like it’s magically gone away.

In one sense this is good (it appears to have fixed itself) and in another it’s annoying because a) I never found out the precise reason why it was doing it, and b) I look like a chump! But I’ve been hammering away switching TXP tabs at an incredible rate for the past ten minutes or so and it’s not locked Firefox up once, so it really does appear to be playing nicely. I wish I’d been a little more systematic with my plugin disabling/enabling. Grrrrr.

I honestly can’t see why doing that would make a difference, so maybe it wasn’t that at all? Perhaps it was something in one of my default pages/forms that it didn’t like and when I changed the form today I got rid of whatever was annoying Firefox. * shrug *

If it ever comes back again I’ll be more thorough, but for now at least I’m back in business.

Many thanks for your diagnosing skills and time; I’m sorry it’s come to an inconclusive end on this particular issue. Your other testing is invaluable though and can only help to make things better for all of us.


The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#150 2007-03-20 21:39:35

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Bloke wrote

It’s fun with over 10 languages installed isn’t it! That MLP>Articles matrix looks really cool with aaaall those boxes. Wouldn’t want to try many more without upgrading my monitor to widescreen, though :-)

Well, that’s the maximum that could be handled conveniently at 1280 × 1024, in my case. ( which wouldn’t be the case though for all Users ). Probably overkill ( Imagine to localize 20 category titles and 50 link titles into 10 languages )

I probably won’t need more than three languages any time soon, but hey, it’s all possible at least with those environments that we’ve seen so for.

I honestly can’t see why doing that would make a difference, so maybe it wasn’t that at all? Perhaps it was something in one of my default pages/forms that it didn’t like and when I changed the form today I got rid of whatever was annoying Firefox. * shrug *

Ok, then the investigation get’s filed for the moment then.

I haven’t actually started yet to get my hands at complex templating work with Steve’s nifty tricks and l10lang tags, so let’s see how that goes.

regards, marios

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#151 2007-03-20 22:22:37

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,285
Website GitHub

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

marios wrote:

I haven’t actually started yet to get my hands at complex templating work with Steve’s nifty tricks and l10lang tags, so let’s see how that goes.

It’s really neat, you’ll love it; there are some awesome possibilites that I’m only just beginning to wrap my brain around. The power from combining the plugin tags with some PHP and calls to gTxt() is phenomenal. e.g. dynamically choosing snippet names based on the result of an SQL call means the client can receive an AJAX success/failure code and parameters from the database then look up the translation. That message is then in the local language and has the dynamic parameters plugged into it. Powerful stuff.

btw, a while ago I made a small mod to the plugin to allow the l10n_lang_list to be a select dropdown instead of a ul/li list. Steve may include something along these lines in a future rev but I’ve realised that the one I sent him is not very accessible friendly because it adds an onchange to the select. Navigating with the keyboard is a pain and you have to remember to hit ALT+Down Arrow first to “open” the list so the changes only take effect when Enter is pressed. Nasty.

What I may do is mod the mod to add a tag option for a “go” button if you so wish, which would remove the auto-onchange. Once I make some time (and I’ve figured out how to make the word ‘go’ appear in the currently selected language :-) I’ll have a stab at it.

Though I’d prefer Steve to control dissemination of mods like these (I don’t like stepping on people’s toes), if you’re interested in the code in the meantime, let me know.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#152 2007-03-22 07:28:12

From: austria
Registered: 2007-03-22
Posts: 31

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

1.first thanks for this great plugin package.
But i have some difficulties with the mlp-01.6.602 version. I installed all files as descripted but when i enable the |10 plugin than is coming following error massage and the whole textpattern doesnt work at all.

“Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, service@webmailer.de and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.”

If i disable than this plugin than if i go to content of couese MLP doesnt appear. How can i fix the problem?
thanks for some ideas or help


#153 2007-03-22 07:54:35

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

@bloke, all that sounds very interesting , I’ll send you a mail once I get the time. In the meantime, I thought to concentrate on these three aspects:

  1. improvement of the Usability aspect of the renditions tab
  2. CSS improvements in the backend
  3. Final gr and de localization of the lang strings ( still not in the final )
  4. thorough testing of the available lIOlang tags
  5. Porting basic Usage and setup instructions to the WIKI manual
  6. thinking about further support of the plugin


What does your diagnostics info look like, what are the Error messages and debugging output, what’s the Server Environment ? What did the Setup Wizard tell you during set up ?

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2007-03-22 07:55:12)

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#154 2007-03-22 08:00:43

From: austria
Registered: 2007-03-22
Posts: 31

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack


i think i just spoiled the whole thing. I looged out from textpattern admin because of this error. Thyan i try to login but now only the same error message appear. Even i cant enter anymore the adim section to disable the |10 pulgin. Looks like that all is gone.


#155 2007-03-22 08:43:54

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

sanmarco wrote:


i think i just spoiled the whole thing. I looged out from textpattern admin because of this error. Thyan i try to login but now only the same error message appear. Even i cant enter anymore the adim section to disable the |10 pulgin. Looks like that all is gone.

It’s just hard to tell, what’s up, if you don’t have enough information at hand.

I think I will concentrate on point Five above, to cover up installation errors form the User’s Side, things like:

  • Make sure you have a working TXP installation in place prior installation of MLP with desired languages installed.
  • Don’t enable the I10lang plugin prior the admin library.
  • Make sure you don’t overwrite php files in lib, when adding the additional MLP files, except the one Steve mentiones in the Help Page, etc, etc, etc…

@sanmarco, can you see the additional tables at least from phpmyadmin ?

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2007-03-22 08:45:11)

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#156 2007-03-22 17:10:09

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-03-08
Posts: 1,648

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack


back again, please excuse the delay but I’ve been taking some time out to be with my family. Will start playing catch-up with your posts over the next few days.



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