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RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
First Plugin especially for RC4 (and only works on RC4). Ok, so I had an unfair advantage to be the first one, sue me. ;)
This Plugin allows you to make use of the Microsoft Windows XP™ Publishing Wizard to publish your images into your Textpattern installation (1.0RC4 and up). The main benefit is, that it allows you to publish multiple pictures at once, and it will even give you an option to automatically scale down all your images to a few predefined format.
- Microsoft Windows XP™
- Textpattern 1.0RC4 and up.
How to install and use
After installing and activating this plugin in Textpattern, you will have a new tab “extensions”. Note: This tab is diabled (and not visible) when you are on the plugin installation page. Users with lower privileges will not see that tab by default, but you can send them the link and they will still be able to access it. After accessing the extension-tab there should be a sub-tab called asy XP PubWiz which you should click. Now you will see a link “Install this .reg file”. Save this to your desktop (if you like, you can view it with a regular text-editor to make sure that all the urls point to your site). Now you have to double-click this .reg file and a Windows™ Dialog will popup and ask you wether you want to add this information to your Registry. Click “Yes”.
To publish pictures go into any directory with images in it, with the Windows (File) Explorer (not Internet Explorer), for example “My Pictures”. On the left side, below File and Folder Tasks you should see an option “Publish this folder to the Web” or “Publish this file to the Web” with a little globe symbol <img src=“%2FINwWK6QAAABl0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAADAUExURVys25yntCBUhLLxr0xYamDJMQCMZbnH0g6RoqbQ7WeJl%2BX5%2FP%2F%2F%2FyiuFY7gbgFnAQ6gClxtgwaa9cnV2WPKkAF0zTCH1I7hkAB1AACBRnjVTz%2B4HwR6ZhymJZ7lp%2Fn5%2BgCIACdzxt3i5unr7lTDKgJnEgBcwtfa4O7v8mzROnrgR%2FH09R9lREFlijq2%2F%2Fj%2F%2F%2Fz8%2FCKnPny9vWDJ%2FwCT2StCcABvL2HIbwBFpbO6xAB1FA92B%2FL%2F%2FwJ%2B4QdhaEK6WlhUoqUAAADhSURBVHjaPNDbdoIwEEBRIFAYxYwRQTQVUEQuitfSihb9%2F79qoMHzkjX7JbNGsbuOzuWiDJhqrncnMSod%2FgYzSg1ueWWd7nodTmlAgoJbTVOqa6nHH4MSQhavczP%2F1E2pcN4sZpTAYfIR3bWBVMXlmzyfXg9fUYRP9q9Dz12O%2BAtgYkV3fOpSt647XkLyDXPfT7ReV4IBiyIBH%2Fe92qvbtsWW96XG%2Bt9u8Mi7EMqq38GBhyFD0GupGYq4qH2ZIzWMTQ9HIqyYmsZST2GW4liElZpm4ftmYYxdep21h7T%2FBBgAyrccLwYHQtgAAAAASUVORK5CYII%3D”>. Click this to start the wizard. The Wizard will guide you through the remaining step. In the process you should be able to choose your Textpattern site to publish to.
Further Notes
This plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This plugin is Free Software and available fow downloaded in a compiled version for direct install in Textpattern and in a Source Version with additional Licence Information.
<i>Microsoft, Windows and Windows XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Microsoft Corporation in no way endorses and is not affiliated with this Plugin.</i>
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
Hi Sencer!
This one is really nice :)
Would it be possible to generate thumbs automaticaly, too?
And secondly: Is there a possibility to change the width and heigth for resized images to a value beside the ones Windows provides (640×480, 800×600, 1024×768)?
Sorry for these two questions – this plugin is really great :)
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
> Would it be possible to generate thumbs automaticaly, too?
The Publishing wizard doesn’t offer this (AFAIK), but there was a plugin around that would hook into image upload and generate thumnails glx_something (sorry forgot), you should be able to use it together with my plugin as well, because my plugin doesn’t handle the image upload at all, but rather makes the wizard talk to TXP’s own image upload directly.
> Is there a possibility to change the width and heigth for resized images to a value beside
> the ones Windows provides (640×480, 800×600, 1024×768)?
To be honest: I have no idea. The Wizard is very poorly documented by MS, in the source download I mention a couple of links where I peaked at the code and adapted it – and that’s really all I know about it. If somebody finds out how it’s done, please tell me, and/or feel free to change the code accordingly.
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
glx_admin_image I believe is the plugin
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
@ Sencer: Great plugin. Thanx!!
<a href=“http://johan.galaxen.net/logg/111/textpattern-plugin-glx-admin-image”>glx_admin_image</a> IS the plugin.
Last edited by creativesplash (2005-07-24 16:35:52)
“Take a point, stretch it into a line, curl it into a circle, twist it into a sphere, and punch through the sphere.”
— Albert Einstein
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
Not that many XP users here I guess… ;)
Has anyone tried auto-thumbs with glx_admin_image? Is it actually working? Otherwise I might look into how to change the plugin so that it autothumbs with…. tadaa: the new thumbnail generator that’s built into Textpattern as of revision 680.
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
<blockquote>Rev 679: Adding smart thumbnail generator for images (thks wet). GD support is required in php, but should fail gracefully if it isn’t</blockquote>
Thanx to you guys!
“Take a point, stretch it into a line, curl it into a circle, twist it into a sphere, and punch through the sphere.”
— Albert Einstein
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
Can I get some feedback on whether there are any people using this plugin? It would help in deciding whether there is any interest in maintaining it?
Does anybody know whether glx_admin_image is working for the thumb-generation? If not, I might try to figure out a way to trigger the built-in thumb-generation.
#9 2005-09-18 18:26:52
- aba
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-04-14
- Posts: 119
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
> Does anybody know whether glx_admin_image is working for the thumb-generation? If not, I might try to figure out a way to trigger the built-in thumb-generation.
Can’t help with the glx_admin_image but I would point out that it seems more logical to use the class.thumb.php included in textpattern otherwise someone needs two plugins to achieve that. Apart from that it’s a nice class (I like the looking glass it can put into the thumbs… ;) – that’s the reason I used it in my import plugin.
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
I like this alot, but the thumbnail generation is an issue of sorts. glx_admin_image works but it too is a somewhat tedious manual affair if youu have lots of images to work with. I just downloaded current to see what’s up with the new built in. But if you could tie the two together it would be perfect.
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
Like this idea very very much… will try it as soon as possible. (don´t trash the plugin please)
Re: RC4: Use XP Publishing wizard to upload (multiple) images to your Site
I am using Textpattern version: 4.0.2 (r1076). I just installed UR pluggin It worked well!
But No I am facing some other problem after that!
Now when I try to upload images through normal Textpattern Upload process (content>images) I am getting error.
Notice: Undefined index: thefile in /home/ashis/domains/ashis.mihopa.com/public_html/textpattern/include/txp_image.php on line 186
I have tried uninstalling but It didn’t help so I reinstalled it, but it too didn’t help.
Did I screw somthing?
Man PLZ help Me!
Man new to Textpattern & I don’t know how to deal with It!
Last edited by Ashis (2006-01-02 12:57:13)
99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code, fix one bug, compile it again, 148 little bugs in the code. 148 little bugs in the code….