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#85 2005-04-10 15:33:42

Plugin Author
From: Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2004-07-01
Posts: 178

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

ohh sorry it should be
$script_path = trim(dirname($_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’]), ‘\\’);

Johan Nilsson


#86 2005-04-10 16:00:23

From: Denmark
Registered: 2004-04-30
Posts: 34

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

Thanks Mary, this solution works perfectly on a server like TXD. I am changing paths there, this instant.

On my other server, All other file-paths are broken with anything else than messy mode – unless they are absolute. (except in the TXP css, becuse I think the relative paths are the same there, in any mode.)
I don’t think they’re static pages.. articles list on the front page AND list on section pages as well as individually.. (unless I’ve misunderstood the meaning of static)

I would like to know about peoples observations on servers that don’t use mod_rewrite – What about image-paths inside articles when permlink-modes change?
It seems to me that paths relative to root (/folder/file) aren’t accepted on such servers at all.

If they do mess up, for anybody else than me, It would seem that the plugins compability on servers without mod_rewrite is somehow incomplete – unless accompanied whith a fix for other paths – Or a note saying all other paths should be checked and probably absolute..


#87 2005-04-12 18:29:38

From: Tallahassee, FL
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 31

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

Oh how lovely.

I was just going to complain about TxP’s handling of 404s and decided to search before I posted and WHAM! Here’s this wonderful plugin.

Most excellent. It’s functionality should be implemented in v1.0


#88 2005-04-12 19:25:48

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

Yes, they do. Paths relative to root had nothing to do with mod_rewrite. It even works with ASP on a Windows server.


#89 2005-04-13 01:35:10

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 57

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

All -

Sorry, I knew April would be a crazy month for me. Anyway I am checking this thread and incorporating feedback into the new version of sgb_url_handler and sgb_error_documents.

osei, thanks for figuring that out, I’ll add some OS detection to the plugin to take care of Windows/*nix inconsistencies.

I’ve also been draggin’ my heels a bit watching changes in RC3 and waiting for 1.0. I’m pretty satisfied with my beta version running on my site so I’m probably going to release it this coming Sunday. The only caveat is I’ll be out of town 4/21-4/24 so I won’t be much good for any bug fixes then, but I’ll try to post as much info as I can before-hand.

- sgb


#90 2005-04-13 10:51:38

Registered: 2004-02-28
Posts: 453

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

sgb, just an idea: I think many people use rss_suparchive and agb_error_documents returns an error when I call the /yyyy/ or /yyyy/mm/ URLs — perhaps it might be useful for quite some people to have that URL scheme incorporated into sgb_error_document.

Or even the option to add custom URL schemes in the way zem_rewrite allows you to do.


#91 2005-04-14 05:32:01

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-09-19
Posts: 142

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

Anybody gotten the sgb_url_handler working with IIS? I see someone who has gotten it to work with Apache on Windows, but not IIS in particular.


#92 2005-04-14 10:46:15

From: Oxfordshire UK
Registered: 2004-03-22
Posts: 256

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

This is just superb – thanks!

Jon VC#9


#93 2005-04-15 16:54:15

Plugin Author
From: Akron, Ohio
Registered: 2004-08-27
Posts: 656

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

sgb – Great plugins! I think I might have said that before. Anyway…

An idea for sgb_error_documents. Might be a nice feature if the site admin was automatically emailed to notify them of errors that are handled by the plugin. The email could include the time, URL, etc. Might be a nice way to help identify and fix missing pages or server errors. It also might help to alert you of anyone trying to sniff out directories to cause mischief.

Thanks again.


#94 2005-04-16 15:54:50

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-03-23
Posts: 57

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

All -

0.1.7 is currently going through the final paces. I’m adding a custom URL format configuration deal. It’s a little different than zem_rewrite, in that it supports “best matches” and per-section URL modes (this is used for issuing 301s).

Wilshire thanks for the suggestion, I’ll add an option to attach an email event to specific error codes, e.g. when a 404 is triggered send an email. It might not make it into the next release (it would be easy to add, but I want to make it configurable since you may not want the emails for every 404 or 403 or whatever).


- sgb


#95 2005-04-16 16:04:54

Registered: 2004-02-28
Posts: 453

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

sgb, sounds great. Can’t wait to see it!


#96 2005-04-16 23:25:32

Plugin Author
Registered: 2004-02-23
Posts: 730

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sgb_url_handler - support all url variations at the same time

has there been any talk as to incorporating this behavior into the core txp build by default (optionally enabled, of course)? seems pretty close to what i described here


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