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#25 2008-04-01 21:33:02

Plugin Author
From: Missoula, MT
Registered: 2005-11-27
Posts: 1,746

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

Strange – does it happen to you here too?

  1. Does the page redirect at all? My votes are already recorded, so I couldn’t test the site (I don’t remember it hanging). Could you head to Extensions>jmd_rate and uninstall then install it?
  2. Is PHP under fast-cgi or installed as an Apache module?


#26 2008-04-02 10:15:37

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 259

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

Yes, and I’ve just tested using my work PC that has a different version of FireFox (and a different connnection).

To answer your questions…

1. The page seems to load up again after clicking to vote
2. Not quite sure. How can I check this… in txp or on my server?


#27 2008-04-08 03:34:31

From: tuvalahiti
Registered: 2004-04-22
Posts: 743

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

for a review site … would it be possible for the article author to add a star rating, and each commenter to add a star rating… and their personal ratings were displayed beside their name… but also the total user rating was displayed in a sidebox?


#28 2008-04-08 06:33:58

Plugin Author
From: Missoula, MT
Registered: 2005-11-27
Posts: 1,746

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

lozmatic wrote:

  1. The page seems to load up again after clicking to vote
  2. Not quite sure. How can I check this… in txp or on my server?

  1. Strange. I’m having a hard time replicating the bug (I’ve experienced it though). Could you post your jmd_rate code from your article form?
  2. Admin>Diagnostics: High – if you see something like “PHP Server API: cgi” or “mod_fastcgi” anywhere, you’re running fastcgi. The first two versions had a header redirect bug I though I’d solved, at least for my server.

nardo wrote:

for a review site … would it be possible for the article author to add a star rating, and each commenter to add a star rating… and their personal ratings were displayed beside their name… but also the total user rating was displayed in a sidebox?

I think it would be, but I haven’t had a chance to work with comments yet. For the article author rating, it could be done with a custom field (“author_rating”) and a small amount of PHP – something like:

// number of stars
$stars = 5;
// width of stars
$starWidth = 30;
// width of the ul
$ulWidth = ($stars * $starWidth);
// custom field name == author_rating
$authorRating = custom_field(array(
	'name' => 'author_rating'
$rating = ($stars/$authorRating);
// rating width
$ratingWidth = ($rating * $starWidth);

// HTML output
echo '<ul class="rating" style="width: '. $ulWidth .'px">
	<li style="width: '. $ratingWidth .'px" id="current_rating">
		'. $rating .'

OK, so that’s probably enough PHP to be added to the plugin. YAVT: <txp:jmd_rate_author_rating/>

Last edited by jm (2008-04-08 06:47:06)


#29 2008-04-08 08:47:23

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2006-08-27
Posts: 259

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater


Would this be it?

PHP Server API: cgi-fcgi

Code is…

// admin

if (@txpinterface == 'admin')
	add_privs('jmd_rate_prefs', '1');
	register_tab('extensions', 'jmd_rate_prefs', 'jmd_rate');
	register_callback('jmd_rate_prefs', 'jmd_rate_prefs');

function jmd_rate_prefs($event, $step)
	echo '<div id="jmd_rate_prefs">';

	if (!$step)
		echo fieldset(
					fInput('submit', 'install', 'Install', 'publish').
					fInput('submit', 'uninstall', 'Uninstall', 'publish').
				), '', "verify('Are you sure you want to delete all ratings?');"
			), 'Setup', 'setup'
		echo fieldset(
				'<label>Quantity '.fInput('text', 'qty', 4).'</label><br/>
				<label>Path and filename of star image '.fInput('text', 'path', '/stars.png').'</label><br/>
				<label>Star width'.fInput('text', 'width', 19).'</label><br/>
				<label>Star height'.fInput('text', 'height', 18).'</label><br/>
				<label>Container class name'.fInput('text', 'class', 'rating').'</label><br/>'.
				fInput('submit', 'generate', 'Generate CSS', 'publish').
			), 'CSS builder'
	elseif ($step == 'install')
		$sql = "CREATE TABLE ".safe_pfx('jmd_rate')."(
			parentid INT,
			value INT,
			max_value INT,
			PRIMARY KEY(parentid, ip)
		$create = safe_query($sql);
		if ($create)
			echo tag('Table created successfully. '.eLink('jmd_rate_prefs', '', '', '', 'Back to preferences?'), 'p', ' class="ok"');
			echo tag('Database exists. '.eLink('jmd_rate_prefs', '', '', '', 'Back to preferences?'), 'p', ' class="not-ok"');
	elseif ($step == 'uninstall')
		safe_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".safe_pfx('jmd_rate'));
		echo tag('Table dropped. '.eLink('jmd_rate_prefs', '', '', '', 'Back to preferences?'), 'p', ' class="ok"');
	elseif ($step == 'builder')
		if (is_numeric(gps('qty')) && is_numeric(gps('width')) && is_numeric(gps('height')))
			$qty = gps('qty');
			$w = round(gps('width'));
			$h = round(gps('height'));
			$path = htmlentities(gps('path'));
			$class = '.'.gps('class');

			echo tag('CSS', 'h1');
			echo "
<textarea class=\"code\" cols=\"78\" rows=\"32\" id=\"jmd_rate_css\">
$class {}
	$class, $class * {
		margin: 0;
		border: 0;
		padding: 0;
	$class ul {
		height: ".$h."px;
		position: relative;
		$class ul, $class .current_rating, $class a:hover {
			background: url($path);
		$class li {
			list-style: none;
			text-indent: -9999px;
			$class .current_rating {
				background-position: 0 -".$h."px;
				z-index: 1;
				$class .current_rating, $class a {
					height: ".$h."px;
					position: absolute;
					top: 0;
					left: 0;
			$class a {
				width: ".$w."px;
				height: ".$h."px;
				overflow: hidden;
				z-index: 3;
				$class a:hover{
					background-position: left center;
					left: 0;
					z-index: 2;
					".$class."_1 a:hover { width: ".$w."px }
			for ($i = 2; $i <= $qty; $i++)
				echo '
					'.$class.'_'.$i.' a { left: '.($i - 1) * $w.'px }
					'.$class.'_'.$i.' a:hover { width: '.$w * $i.'px }
			echo '</textarea>';
		echo tag(eLink('jmd_rate_prefs', '', '', '', 'Try again?'), 'p');
		echo tag('Error.', 'h1');
	echo '</div><!--//jmd_rate_prefs-->';

// courtesy of upm_savenew <http://utterplush.com/txp-plugins/upm-savenew>
function jmd_rate_prefs_head($buffer)
	$find = '</head>';
	$replace = '
		<script type="text/javascript">
		function jmd_rate() {
			var input = document.getElementById("jmd_rate_prefs").getElementsByTagName("input");
			for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
				if (input[i].getAttribute("type") == "text") {
					input[i].onfocus = function() {
			var cssOutput = document.getElementById("jmd_rate_css");
			if (cssOutput) {
				cssOutput.onclick = function() {

		addEvent(window, "load", jmd_rate);
		<style type="text/css">
			#jmd_rate_prefs {
				width: 500px;
				margin: 20px auto;
			fieldset label {
				display: block;
		 	#setup form {
				display: inline;
			p.not-ok {
				margin-top: 10px;

	return str_replace($find, $replace.$find, $buffer);

// public

// instantiates jmd_rate class
function jmd_rate($atts, $thing)
		'class' => 'rating',
		'stars' => 4,
		'star_width' => 19,
		'wraptag' => 'div',
	), $atts));

	global $jmd_rate_instance;
	$jmd_rate_instance = new jmd_rate($stars, $star_width);
	$out = $jmd_rate_instance->getRating().parse($thing);

	return ($wraptag) ? doTag($out, $wraptag, $class) : $out;

// displays rater
function jmd_rate_display($atts)
	return $GLOBALS['jmd_rate_instance']->display();

// checks for votes
function if_jmd_rate_votes($atts, $thing)
	$condition = ($GLOBALS['jmd_rate_instance']->votes > 0);
	$out = EvalElse($thing, $condition);

	return parse($out);

// Max rating possible
function jmd_rate_max($atts)
	return $GLOBALS['jmd_rate_instance']->maxValue;

// returns current rating
function jmd_rate_rating($atts)
	return $GLOBALS['jmd_rate_instance']->rating;

// returns number of votes
function jmd_rate_votes($atts)
		'singular' => '',
		'plural' => '',
	), $atts));
	$votes = $GLOBALS['jmd_rate_instance']->votes;
	$out = $votes.' ';

	if ($singular && $plural)
        $out .= (($votes > 1) ? $plural : $singular);

	return $out;

// checks if the user has voted
function if_jmd_rate_voted($atts, $thing)
	$condition = $GLOBALS['jmd_rate_instance']->voted;
	$out = EvalElse($thing, $condition);

	return parse($out);

// article_custom with sort by rating
function jmd_rate_article($atts)
		'author'     => '',
		'category'   => '',
		'form'       => 'default',
		'keywords'   => '',
		'limit'      => '10',
		'max_rating' => '',
		'min_rating' => '',
		'month'      => '',
		'section'    => '',
		'sort'       => 'DESC',
	), $atts));

	$matching = getRows("SELECT parentid, avg(value) AS rating FROM ".safe_pfx('jmd_rate')." GROUP BY parentid HAVING rating BETWEEN $min_rating and $max_rating ORDER BY rating $sort LIMIT $limit");
	// if no articles match the criteria, exit
	if (!$matching)
	$out = '';
	foreach ($matching as $article)
		$out .= article_custom(array(
			'author'    => $author,
			'category'  => $category,
			'form'      => $form,
			'id'        => $article['parentid'],
			'keywords'  => $keywords,
			'limit'     => $limit,
			'month'     => $month,
			'section'   => $section,

	return $out;

class jmd_rate
	// input
	private $starWidth;
	public $maxValue;
	// helpers
	private $dbTable, $parentid, $ip, $uri;
	// rating
	private $value, $usedIps;
	public $votes, $voted, $rating;

	public function __construct($stars, $star_width)
		$this->dbTable = 'jmd_rate';
		$this->parentid = $GLOBALS['thisarticle']['thisid'];
		$this->uri = permlinkurl_id($this->parentid);
		$this->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

		$this->maxValue = $stars;
		$this->starWidth = $star_width;

		if (gps('rating'))

	public function getRating()
		$query = "SELECT sum(value) AS total_value, count(value) AS total_votes, max_value FROM ".safe_pfx($this->dbTable)." WHERE parentid=$this->parentid GROUP BY max_value";
		$row = getRows($query);

		// if the query was empty, exit
		if (!$row)

		foreach($row as $r)

		$this->value = $r['total_value'];
		$this->votes = $r['total_votes'];

		// if the # of stars has changed, adjust previous votes
		if ($r['max_value'] != $this->maxValue)
			$scalar = ($this->maxValue/$r['max_value']);
			// adjust display value
			$this->value *= $scalar;
			// adjust previous votes
			safe_update($this->dbTable, "value=(value*$scalar), max_value=$this->maxValue", "parentid=$this->parentid");

		$this->rating = @number_format($this->value/$this->votes, 2);

		// see if the visitor has voted
		$this->voted = safe_field("ip", $this->dbTable, "ip=INET_ATON('$this->ip') AND parentid=$this->parentid");

	private function setRating()
		$userRating = intval(gps('rating'));
		if ($this->voted)
			echo tag('You have already voted!', 'p', ' class="error"');
		elseif ($userRating > $this->maxValue)
			echo tag('Cheater!', 'p', ' class="error"');
			safe_insert($this->dbTable, "parentid=$this->parentid, value=$userRating, max_value=$this->maxValue, ip=INET_ATON('$this->ip')");
            // redirect - thanks to zem_contact_reborn
			while (@ob_end_clean());
            txp_status_header('303 See Other');
			header('Location: '.$this->uri);

	public function display()
		$out = '<ul style="width: '.$this->maxValue * $this->starWidth.'px">';
		$out .= '<li class="current_rating" style="width: '.$this->rating * $this->starWidth.'px;">Currently rated '.$this->rating.'</li>';

		// if they haven't voted and voting is open, link the stars
		if (!$this->voted)
			$getUri = ($GLOBALS['permlink_mode'] == 'messy') ? '&amp;rating=' : '?rating=';
			for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->maxValue; $i++)
				$out .= '<li class="rating_'.$i.'">
					<a href="'.$this->uri.$getUri.$i.'" rel="nofollow">
		$out .= '</ul>';

		return $out;


#30 2008-04-14 15:07:25

New Member
Registered: 2004-08-12
Posts: 2

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

love the plugin, i’m looking at using it on a departmental intranet.

however we are all stuck on the same ip and so i get to rate and nobody else is able- does anybody know of a way to hack out the ip checking or a way of allowing the same ip to vote multiple ways.

in a perfect world for my use i’d base it on cookies and not ip, sadly my skils aren’t up to the job.

still i love the customisation elements of this plugin and it’s good to see the community still thriving.

(i’ve been away from txp for a while)


#31 2008-05-10 19:07:59

Registered: 2007-01-16
Posts: 301

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

I installed it and the stars show up but they don’t seem to function. That is, even after I’ve voted, it still displays “This article hasn’t been rated.” Also, it shows 4 stars and not 5. When I built the CSS in the Extensions tab I specified 5 stars, so I’m confused. (Also, I just tacked on the generated CSS to my main style at the end—that isn’t a problem is it?)

Per the previous poster’s question/answer exchange I checked and my diagnostics says this:
PHP Server API: cgi-fcgi
also, in case it’s relevant: PHP version: 5.2.5

I’m a designer, not a programmer, so it’s likely that I’ve done something retarded.

Also, I can’t get any of your demo pages to load. They all say “Forbidden” and return a 404 error :(

Here is an example, though this is in my default article form so any article on my site would be as good:

Here is the relevant bit from my default form (until I get it working I just snagged the exact code from the example in the help):

			Currently rated <txp:jmd_rate_rating/>/<txp:jmd_rate_max/> after <txp:jmd_rate_votes singular="vote" plural="votes"/>.
			This article hasn’t been rated.

			Thanks for voting.



#32 2008-05-14 15:16:24

Registered: 2007-01-16
Posts: 301

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

(Is this plugin still being supported?)



#33 2008-05-14 15:56:20

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

OpalCat wrote:

Is this plugin still being supported?

Yes, it is supported, but Jm, the author, is quite busy with the real(ity) life, school and so on.

If I remember right, there were little redirecting problems with cgi-fcgi during the development progress, but it should work fine (seems not, but it’s hard to say for sure, as we can’t see your actual code, nor logs, only the output).


#34 2008-05-14 15:57:43

Registered: 2007-01-16
Posts: 301

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

I understand about busy—I’m in school myself. I just didn’t want to sit around waiting on a project that wasn’t still live so I had to check.



#35 2008-05-14 19:44:06

Plugin Author
From: Missoula, MT
Registered: 2005-11-27
Posts: 1,746

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

Sorry for the delays everyone – I’m finally done with school and miscellaneous projects.

Lozmatic, OpalCat – try 0.4b out. I borrowed a little more of ZCR’s redirect code, so maybe it’ll work!


#36 2008-05-14 19:53:28

Registered: 2007-01-16
Posts: 301

Re: jmd_rate: A CSS star rater

I installed and activated the plugin, but it still isn’t working. Do I need to change the css the old code generated, or change my forms?



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