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#1 2007-05-15 00:51:18

Archived Plugin Author
From: Vancouver, British Columbia
Registered: 2005-08-19
Posts: 202

[feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

Drew’s Original Post

Although I don’t agree with him on all points, I do feel a bit of his frustration. I guess the strangest part is that many of the features Drew is calling for are being actively pursued by plug-in developers. Yet there does seem to be a bit of disconnect between the really vibrant work going on amongst these coders, and the stagnation of the core software. Unless there are things in the works that us non-devs aren’t aware of?

Any thoughts on this?

Last edited by Jeff_K (2007-05-15 00:52:55)


#2 2007-05-15 01:57:25

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

Such dramatics. Honestly, there are far more important things in life, but open source seems to be a real bee hive of it.

We spend an enormous amount of time personally helping others for free, making patches and committing them for free, making plans and large contributions for new features for free, creating and supporting free plugins for free, updating documentation for free, and answering the same questions about “where Txp is headed” over and over, ad nauseum. Christ, we even take part in a damn book about it, which I happen to know for a fact that even Drew knows about, because he was asked to be the technical reviewer for it before I was.

Uh huh, Txp is completely stagnant. If that’s what you think, then please, use something you do like, and let the rest of us carry on with the work you think we aren’t doing.

Last edited by Mary (2007-05-15 03:01:04)


#3 2007-05-15 02:07:06

Archived Plugin Author
From: Vancouver, British Columbia
Registered: 2005-08-19
Posts: 202

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

Mary, Just for clarification, I don’t feel the same as Drew does, but I do think his post raises a few issues which are worth discussing.


#4 2007-05-15 02:12:56

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

Sorry, I wasn’t directing that at you personally, just a general comment.


#5 2007-05-15 08:55:02

From: Cologne, Germany
Registered: 2004-04-02
Posts: 1,370

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

My state of Textpattern by Chris


Sentences like this:

If that’s what you think, then please, use something you do like, and let the rest of us carry on with the work you think we aren’t doing.

don´t help at all. They read like parents statements: as long as you put your feet are under our table, you do what we like to do….
If you (zem & mary) don´t like to listen and take other people ideas into account, nothing will happen/change. By the end zem and you will be the last 2 txp users. That would be very frustrating, wouldn´t it?

Last edited by alexandra (2007-05-15 12:09:11)


#6 2007-05-15 11:34:01

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern



…but of course, now that I’ve posted, this topic will be moved/closed.


#7 2007-05-15 12:14:39

From: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Registered: 2006-01-06
Posts: 256

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

I hope this is not going to be a new topic about the direction Textpattern should be going. These discussions are getting a bit worn out and will have no winners, just losers.

Why? Because this kind of discussion only emphasizes on the bad things and not on the good things that are accomplished. This continuation of such discussions will lead to the end of open source projects: people who are involved get sick of them and quit, people who don’t get their way end up with nothing because the people who were developing have quit.

I can understand that sometimes it is frustrating that you have good ideas but don’t see them realized in the core. Zem and Mary have very much eloborated on that, so it’s time to put that behind you. We’re grown ups. Let’s act like grown ups.



#8 2007-05-15 12:20:51

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

TNT – Did you read the post by Drew? It quite accurately lists the, state of textpattern and the feelings by many as to its condition.


#9 2007-05-15 13:04:51

Plugin Author
From: Colorado & Montana.
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 595

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

Note, in the above linked entry, someone made a comment similiar to what alexandra notes in #5

by Maleika: Many (for my taste too many) of the developers had a tone in their responses that drove me away, every time a little more. No one needs to be friendly, but for me it is important that there is at least a minimum of friendliness when communicating and I do not want to have the feeling that I’m a bug each and every time I pose a polite question.


#10 2007-05-15 13:21:27

From: tuvalahiti
Registered: 2004-04-22
Posts: 743

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

I registered here April 2004 and used Txp for the first time shortly after. I don’t think much has changed!! You either had confidence in Dean’s attitude and approach (which was singular and sparse) – or you didn’t. I have that same confidence in the current developers and don’t want the core directed by a committee. I think Textpattern remains true to Dean’s vision – and it ain’t WP or EE.

re: wet #3 – if you require certain functionality as an imperative, the option (if u don’t have time or knowledge) is to commission a plugin or employ Team Textpattern to build the thing; otherwise “zen”. Beggars can’t be choosers. I agree that an improvement would be a vague noticeboard of commissioned works in progress – those that will feed back into the core – by Team Textpattern so efforts are not duplicated, resources can be pooled or expertise of contributors leveraged. But I can also see time wasted answering questions about things that haven’t been built or managing large numbers of people with differing aims. But I don’t claim any expertise in open-source software.

That Textpattern is still going strong after a big man like Dean Allen has stepped aside is of real note!! Could have degenerated into a spaghetti of quickly conceived and ill-thought out functionality… against that we have a lot of good people to thank!!


#11 2007-05-15 13:36:07

From: CGN, GER
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 586

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

TNT wrote:

I hope this is not going to be a new topic about the direction Textpattern should be going. These discussions are getting a bit worn out and will have no winners, just losers.

We’re grown ups. Let’s act like grown ups.



#12 2007-05-15 14:52:37

From: Cologne, Germany
Registered: 2004-04-02
Posts: 1,370

Re: [feedback] Drew Mclellan on the state of Textpattern

where is your post? Why did you delete it?


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